How often can you hear from friends: "Why do I have two higher educations, and so little money?" Indeed, it would seem that we are doing so much for our future, but there is still no result.

Step 1
The education of the famous American millionaire Rockefeller consisted only in completing accounting courses, but he managed to succeed, to make money from virtually nothing, from scratch. In this he was helped by an almost manic passion for saving and calculating everything (which is very important for an accountant, however) and initiative. So often it is not your education that is more important for the appearance of money, but your way of thinking, your habits and character.
Step 2
Since Soviet times, a stereotype has been living in us that making money, especially from nothing, that is, without making any special efforts, is immoral. This subcortex-based approach inhibits our growth in wealth far more than we think. If you want to make money, then the first step is to get rid of it, in any case, start working on yourself in this direction. There is nothing wrong with being rich. Having a lot does not mean robbing others. Money is not fear and loneliness, but the emergence of new opportunities. Approximately this "mantra" is worth repeating to yourself from time to time in order to get rid of the stereotype of "rich scoundrels".
Step 3
You do not need money just like that, but for something. Surely you dream of a new home, travel, good education for children. Formulate this dream, let it live at least on paper. On the way home from work, buy a few glossy magazines "about" your dreams, that is, if you dream of a home, then let it be something about the interior. At home, find the pictures you like in magazines, cut them out, make something like a collage. Perhaps such children's fun will seem silly, but they are very motivating. Finally, you will see with your own eyes what you are striving for. Hang the collage in any place convenient for you, for example, above your computer. It is important that you see him as often as possible.
Step 4
By themselves, there are many ways to make money out of nothing, it all depends on what you know how, what you are interested in. Sometimes a seemingly primitive business idea can bring dizzying success. It is easy to make money on something that is constantly required, for example, on any domestic services. For example, opening a tiny hairdresser for a couple of chairs is not at all costly for someone who has always dreamed of being a stylist. Who knows, maybe you will be successful in this field, and after a while there will be queues for you? And it will not be difficult or burdensome for you, because you will be doing what you love.
Step 5
You can also make money from what you have. Real estate prices are growing in Moscow every year. A large number of people around the world have managed to make money on the resale of real estate. You can read more about this in the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by R. Kiyosaki.
Step 6
Despite the prejudice against investing in securities that has persisted since the 90s, many more people than we think have made and are making money from profitable investments in stocks. Of course, a beginner should not do this: stocks are risky things, and only a financially literate person can invest correctly. However, everything can be learned by reading the corresponding books. In addition, you can hire a qualified investment manager who will deal with the investments for you for a small percentage. Do not think that investing in stocks requires a lot of capital, many people started with minimal amounts.