If you decide to start a food-related business, then you should calculate the calculation of the main menu dishes long before the opening of a cafe or restaurant. The thing is that the markup for dishes will also depend on the correct calculation of the calculation. And the margin is what will ultimately bring profit and determine the viability of the business and the relevance of your kitchen.

Step 1
On the Internet, you can find many programs that calculate the calculation of dishes for catering establishments. However, automated calculation is not always convenient. For example, in the case when you need to demonstrate the calculation of dishes to the cafe management for signature and approval. To do this, fill out a calculation card (form OP-1), which can also be easily downloaded on the Internet.
Step 2
It will not be difficult to fill in the fields of the card if you have already worked out the recipe, you know the norms for the consumption of raw materials and the current purchase prices for products. However, when you need to calculate the costing of dishes for a new menu, you will have to act differently. You will need to collect the following information:
• List of products used;
• Consumption of each product based on 100 servings of a dish (in fact, you can get by with a much smaller number of test portions, but hereinafter we will proceed from the calculation of 100 pieces);
• The price at which each product is purchased.
Step 3
When the information is on hand, make a table in which you list all the products, their consumption rates for 100 dishes and their price. To do this, it is convenient to use Excel spreadsheets, especially since then you will need to calculate the cost of 1 dish by multiplying the consumption rates of each product by the price and dividing the resulting number by 100.
Step 4
Having received the cost price, you can calculate the cost estimate of dishes by adding a margin. This way you get the selling price of one dish. Enter the calculation made in the calculation card.