You wrote your own script for a film, TV series or children's fairy tale and now you intend to sell it. The only thing left is to find a professional who will read your creation, appreciate it and want to make a film based on it. That is, he will buy this script from you. It is very difficult to find such a person, but nothing is impossible. The main thing is to follow the instructions, not to be disappointed at the first failures and not to give up. And then your film will definitely see the light of day.

Step 1
The first thing to do in a final point on your manuscript is to find a good textbook on screenwriting and study it carefully in terms of the requirements of modern cinema. The fact is that any script is, firstly, a literary work that must meet certain requirements, and secondly, it is, in fact, detailed instructions for filming a film and must fit into a standard unified format. The correct and accurate design of the script in accordance with all the requirements is, albeit a small, but still a guarantee that specialists will at least read it.
Step 2
After your script is fully verified and processed in compliance with all design standards, you can start promoting it. It is important to know that if you are not a professional screenwriter and you have no personal connections in the film industry, then most likely no one is interested in your work. Therefore, first of all, it must be conveyed to the appropriate potential audience.
Step 3
Very often, aspiring authors are afraid to publish or show their work for fear that their ideas and even entire texts may be stolen. These fears are not groundless, and in order to insure yourself against troubles, you can take a number of measures in advance. The easiest way to secure your copyright is to register it with a patent office or notarize it. However, this business is quite troublesome and financially costly, and if the scenario is the first, then it will probably require significant revision or even writing a completely different work. It is much easier to publish your text on the website or on one of the specialized sites for scriptwriters ( In this case, the publication date and the unique user number are a kind of copyright certificate and, if necessary, can be used in court as evidence. When you post your creation on sites for screenwriters, you also get a chance that your work will be read by professionals and someone will be interested. Also, feel free to show your scripts to all producers, directors, screenwriters and editors who might be interested in them even a little. Even if no one likes your script enough to buy it, you can get very useful tips and tricks from experts
Step 4
It is worth submitting your script for consideration in as many places as possible. To do this, ask the search engine for the addresses of film studios in Russia or the country where you plan to publish. Then you search the received sites for information about the editorial board, projects, secretariat and the like. Most major film studios are constantly on the lookout for really good scripts, so there's always a chance to break through. Before sending your work, find the contact numbers of the editor or script department and specify the e-mail to which the text should be sent. As a rule, all submitted scripts and applications are considered within two weeks or a month. At the same time, manuscripts are not reviewed and are not returned. This means that if your text is not pleasant, you will not receive any response. It's not scary. You can call yourself, firstly, immediately after submitting the manuscript to make sure that it has been received and reviewed, and secondly, after about a month to find out the result. If your script is rejected, do not despair, try contacting all the other studios you know. In the meantime, don't stop working on new stories. And then each subsequent scenario of yours will certainly be better than the previous one.