Beauty experts believe that a good salon should, firstly, meet all sanitary standards, and secondly, please with a wide range of services, and thirdly, the masters should be good psychologists and have a client to themselves. But the name of a beauty salon is just as important as a stylist with a fine artistic taste.

It is necessary
- - Phone book to find out which beauty salons are in your locality
- - Collections of myths and legends
- - Dictionary of foreign words
- - Pens and paper for brainstorming
Step 1
Beautiful myths.
It is desirable that the name of the heroine of a myth, legend or a real historical era be heard. "Cleopatra", "Aphrodite", "Athena" are the most typical examples. But you can open collections on the myths of Greece, Egypt, India (especially if the salon uses Ayurvedic cosmetics, and Indian motives are chosen in the interior design) and look for a positive heroine. Her name should be quite euphonious and short. But the context must be taken into account. If the heroine was soft, feminine, beautiful, then her name will sound. Calling a beauty salon Medea, Lamia or Hecate is not very appropriate.
Step 2
Foreign words.
The most common languages are French or Italian. The names, due to their melodiousness, fit well by ear. This is a fairly common technique when there are no other options anymore, and the target audience of the salon is quite wide; means the middle class, and wealthy, and young, and ladies of an elegant age. A good name consists of one word, or does not disintegrate intonationally. But here it is important not to overdo it with pathos. If a beauty salon is located in a region with a characteristic local dialect, then "La belle dame" will sound like "Lyabeldam", and "toujours" will become a "jacket".
Step 3
The world of high fashion.
You can put words like "fashion", "trendy", "style" into this semantic basket. Or in Russian: "glamor", "socialite", "high style". By bullying the bar, the owner of the salon sometimes risks his reputation. Indeed, in a salon with such a pretentious name like Dolce SPA, there can be no peeled linoleum.
Step 4
Discreet and tidy.
This includes female names (Alyonushka, Anastasia, Helen, Nancy), and the names of flowers (orchid, rose, lily), and definitions of beautiful women (beauty, cutie, enchantress). Salons are often called by more abstract names: "Visit", "Magic". Neutral phrases "Magic of beauty", "First lady", "Beautiful people" are also frequent. These are typical names for typical salons whose owners belong to the world of small and medium-sized businesses. They sound appropriate, have been heard by the target group and do not cause rejection. From the same category, the long titles "Beauty Studio from..", "Grace Lab from …" and so on.
Step 5
If a beauty salon is not only three manicure rooms, a hairdresser's and a solarium, but also some kind of interesting attraction for clients, then you should think about a catchy and even a hooligan name that focuses on the original service. Let's say the salon focuses on pedicure services. There are modern devices, medical cosmetics, you can do a pedicure with the help of fish. It is quite possible to take a risk, call the salon "Legs" and make a motto in the spirit: "We know everything about your feet"? In this case, the influx of a seasonal client is ensured. After all, already from the end of February, women begin to think about open summer shoes, and therefore about taking care of their feet. In this case, going to the salon is like going to the doctor. Only nicer.