The future owner of the purchase needs to know that the stability of its work in the future depends on a competent organization at the initial stage. The main thing is that the purchase must function on a strictly legal basis.

It is necessary
- - a copy of the certificate of state registration;
- - copies of constituent documents and articles of association;
- - registration card;
- - copies of documents for the premises.
Step 1
Contact the tax office and register a legal entity if you are going to open a pawnshop or individual entrepreneur - if only a purchase. To register a legal entity, you will need to provide a protocol on the creation of a company, its charter and articles of association, and personal documents of the founders. Individual entrepreneurs provide a passport and TIN. Issue a cash register in the same place, in the tax service and submit documents to the MCI for registration of the seal. Get statistics codes.
Step 2
Find and rent a property for a buy-out or a pawnshop, ideally in the business or historic center of the city. However, in megacities, buying up located in residential areas may also be profitable. Invite fire and health officials to inspect the premises.
Step 3
Purchase all the equipment necessary for full-fledged operation, depending on what things you are going to buy from the population or on the security of what property to give a loan. So, to obtain a permit to work with precious metals, you need a special safe, for a pawnshop - a parking lot, etc. Do not forget to equip the place of the receptionist with good-quality furniture and office equipment. Install the latest version of the software required for the preparation and accounting of documentation. Do not forget to contact the insurance company in order to conclude a contract. Sign an agreement with a security company, install an alarm.
Step 4
If you are going to open the purchase of items made of precious metals, you will also need a number of permits from Rosfinmonitoring (only for pawnshops) and the Assay Office.
Step 5
Find out which department of the State Assay Supervision Inspection your purchase or pawnshop belongs to. Prepare the following documents: - a certified copy of the certificate of state registration; - certified copies of constituent documents and the charter; - registration card (in 2 copies), completed in the prescribed form; - USRIP / USRLE and statistics codes; - TIN; - certified copies of documents for the premises. Obtain a certificate of registration, valid for 5 years and a card certified by the employees of the state inspection.
Step 6
If you are planning to open a pawnshop, contact the Rosfinmonitoring department. Please note: the person responsible for the internal monitoring of the enterprise (manager or employee), submitting documents (application and completed registration card certified by a notary) must have an economic or legal education. Within 10 days you will receive a notification about registration with Rosfinmonitoring.