The most common question of motorists on whom an administrative penalty was imposed for violation of traffic rules: "how to pay the traffic police fine?" In order to save yourself time and nerves, use the following tips.

Step 1
When receiving a fine, check the details for its payment on the back of the protocol, which must be written out by the traffic police officer. Also, the details can be written on the court order, if the case came to him. Be sure to clarify the details if they are not clearly visible.
Step 2
Pay the fine through the Sberbank branch that is most convenient for you. Fill in the receipt with the details taken from the protocol and pay through the cashier. You can also fill out a receipt via the global Internet on the Sberbank website and print it out. All that remains is to make the payment. The queue cannot be avoided.
Step 3
Remember that after paying the fine, you must definitely take or mail the receipt to the traffic police so that the payment information is entered into the general database. If you do not complete this procedure, then the fine will be considered unpaid.
Step 4
You can save your time, effort and nerves and pay the fine without leaving your computer. Use the Yandex. Money payment system, go to the corresponding page of the global network, fill out the appropriate form and make a payment. Remember that with this method of payment, you will be charged a commission of 7% of the fine, but not less than 10 rubles.
Step 5
You will also save a lot of time if you are the owner of VISA, MASTER, etc. payment cards. You can use the system "Payments online" without leaving your home, but only by turning on your personal computer and going to the traffic police website. Your payment will be immediately entered into the general database of the traffic police, and the need to send a copy of the payment to the traffic police disappears by itself.
Step 6
You can pay your fines using payment terminals that are installed in almost all traffic police departments. This function began to be supported by many terminals for paying for cellular services.