Penalties are calculated and paid for the late fulfillment of any financial obligations. The amount of the forfeit is calculated in accordance with the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which today is 1/300 for each overdue day based on the entire amount of late payment. The law does not prohibit the application of other rates if they are specified in the agreement concluded between the parties.

It is necessary
- - receipt;
- - calculator.
Step 1
A receipt with the accrued amount of interest will be sent to you at the specified address. It will contain a full calculation indicating the amount of overdue payments and a penalty calculated on the basis of this amount for each overdue day. To find out at what percentage you will be charged a forfeit due to existing delays. Read the agreement carefully, if it does not contain information on the payment of a penalty, fine or forfeit, the calculation will be made in accordance with the refinancing rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the time the penalty was charged.
Step 2
Pay the receipt at the nearest bank branch that accepts payments from the public, in a payment terminal or at the Russian post office. Submit the receipt to the organization that charged you the penalty and sent a receipt for payment.
Step 3
To check the correctness of charges, multiply the amount owed by the number of overdue days on payments and divide by the applicable rate. If the calculation was made at the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, you need to divide by 300. The initial result will be equal to the amount of penalties charged for late payments. Add to them the amount of debt and you get the total result of the debt.
Step 4
If you do not agree with the calculations indicated in the receipt, contact the organization to which you owe and ask to make the correct recalculation or find out why the amount indicated in your receipt was charged. If all questions are clarified, you are obliged to pay off the debt immediately.
Step 5
In case of further non-payment of the accrued interest and the amount of the principal debt, the organization to which you owe has the right to file a claim with the court and demand that the entire amount of the debt and interest be collected by force. On the basis of a court order, enforcement proceedings will be initiated, according to which the collection will be paid to your bank accounts, income or property. To enforce the collection of the entire amount of debt, you may be involved in administrative work if you do not have income, accounts and property.