The return of goods can only be carried out by the buyer on the basis of legal regulations or the terms of the contract. At the same time, the reflection of this operation in the seller's accounting depends on whether the ownership of the product has passed or not. It is also necessary to take into account the amount of VAT charged on the purchase price.

Step 1
Receive a notice from the buyer about the return of the goods, which is drawn up in accordance with the rules of clause 1 of article 483 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the purchased goods can be returned only if there is a violation listed in the legislation or specified in the sales contract. Determine if the customer has become the owner of the product. According to paragraph 1 of Article 223 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this right arises at the time of receipt.
Step 2
Issue a return of goods including VAT in the form of reverse sales, if the ownership of it has passed to the buyer. In this case, the products are accounted for in accounting at the book value, and not at the sales value, which is indicated in the documents.
Step 3
Open a credit on account 60 "Settlements with customers" or on account 76 "Settlements with creditors and debtors" in correspondence with account 10 "Materials" or account 41 "Goods" to reflect the return of the goods. Charge VAT on the book value and reflect it on the debit of account 19.
Step 4
After that, return the cost of the goods to the buyer and take into account these calculations on the credit of account 50 "Cashier" or 51 "Current account". Recognize the difference between the carrying amount and the selling price by opening a credit on account 60 (76) and a debit on account 91.2 "Other expenses".
Step 5
Reverse the postings that were made when the item was shipped if title was not received by the buyer. Remember that until the counterparty receives the purchased products, it must be recorded on account 45 "Goods shipped". Issue the return of the goods with an act in the form of TORG-12 and TORG-2. You cannot reverse VAT if it was already transferred to the budget at the time of refund. In this case, the tax is accepted for deduction in accordance with clause 5 of article 171 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
Step 6
Return the received advance if the item is returned. Reflect in this operation on the credit of account 50 or 51 and the debit of account 62 "Calculations on advances received."