Control is an integral process in any production, which allows you to track not only the target consumption of materials, but also the quality of work at all stages. The more thoroughly and scrupulously the production control is carried out, the better the work of the employees. After all, everyone realizes that they can be personally liable for marriage or inappropriate waste of materials.

It is necessary
- - a detailed description of the technical process;
- - assistants from related fields of activity;
- - independent expert.
Step 1
If you are the manager of a large manufacturing sector, or run an entire enterprise, then you certainly need a production control program. There are several reasons for this need. Firstly, the complexity and multistage nature of the production process allows unscrupulous employees to carry out various shenanigans.
Step 2
Secondly, in the event of a defect, it is extremely difficult for customers to find the culprit, because each department strives to shift responsibility to the previous link. And in the absence of a transparent well-oiled scheme of interaction, it is often impossible to reveal the truth.
Step 3
To avoid this kind of trouble, instruct the department leaders to draw up a complete plan of action for each employee. On the basis of this plan, field managers should create a list of the work that this department performs.
Step 4
But the main rule of business is not to trust anyone. Invite outside experts to assess the quality, credibility, and validity of the documents provided to you. It is quite possible that one of the not clean on hand bosses in the list of work of their department will indicate something superfluous, or, on the contrary, "free" themselves from difficult responsibilities.
Step 5
Some of the specialists you invited should be directly familiar with the production area, the specifics of the work of each workshop. Only this can guarantee an objective view of things.
Step 6
After all the lists of work performed have been corrected, proceed to create a single database. Its main goal is to make the production process transparent. From now on, control will be carried out in two directions - fulfillment / non-fulfillment of these obligations and violation / compliance with internal regulations (this will include determining the storage location of raw materials, finished products, tools, order in the room and in adjacent territories, etc.).
Step 7
As a result, you should have a detailed description of the list of work performed by employees and internal regulations. The production control program should be designed so that any inspector can at any time, according to this manual, assess the quality of the work of any department.