Do you want to double your income in a short time by becoming a financially independent person? Currently, psychologists and businessmen have developed many methods to increase earnings, following which, you can quickly reach your goal and achieve success.

Step 1
When thinking about how to double your income, always start from the real amount of money, while you need to at least start working and earning, and not wait until the much-desired money will flow into your hands by itself. What is recommended to do to significantly improve your own life and take care of the future? First, start your own business, albeit a very small one that is related to sales and does not require significant financial costs.
Step 2
Secondly, be sure to believe in the possibility of growth, otherwise you simply will not succeed. Remember that “like always attracts like”, and thinking about money ultimately attracts money. Please note that any methods of increasing income provide that a person will begin to act, take the initiative in his own hands, do much more than he seeks to do now. To achieve success, the main thing is to increase your capabilities and significantly expand the range of activities.
Step 3
First, set yourself the task of doubling, and then solve it according to a clearly outlined plan, and after its implementation, immediately set the desired goal for yourself, and then move on in a previously planned direction. To double your income, set yourself realistic deadlines, for example, a month, and then start creating a kind of business plan and coming up with creative solutions. Be sure to make a list of the changes that you just need to make to your activities in order to move on to victory.
Step 4
At the same time, calculate the possible percentage of increase in income from each creative change, even if it is 5%, 10%, 15% - the total income should double, and it is rather difficult to find a simple solution. Carry a small notebook with you and enter into it absolutely every idea that comes to your head, even if it is completely unrealistic. On the contrary, the records with ideas need to mark what costs are needed to implement it - zero, small or significant.
Step 5
After generating ideas, carry out their selection, and then - and implementation, just choose methods of increasing income, which, at insignificant costs, give a good result. All actions should be aimed either at increasing productivity or at increasing turnover, since an increase in profitability and a possible reduction in costs cannot produce tangible results. Strive to increase the number of your customers, make them permanent, and, if possible, enlarge the volume of each purchase.