How To Get Money By Check

How To Get Money By Check
How To Get Money By Check

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A check is a written order from the owner of a bank account to pay a certain amount to the bearer. The check is part of the bank identification card or checkbook that is issued to the owner of the bank account and is proof of the existence of this account.

How to get money by check
How to get money by check


Step 1

In our country, checks are used in cash settlements between legal entities or credit institutions and are documents of strict reporting. The relationship between a bank and an organization that holds and accumulates funds in its account with this bank is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation and controlled by the Central Bank of Russia.

Step 2

Cash checks are used to receive cash from an organization's account for its economic needs, purchases or wages. The check has a mandatory field and a spine. To receive money by check, you must: Inform the bank where the account is opened about your intention. This procedure is optional. But each account has a limit, as well as the amount of the check. To avoid confusion, it is better to agree on the day of receipt and the amount in advance.

Step 3

You should also draw up the reverse side of the check, on which the purpose of receiving funds is usually signed. Following this, marks are affixed proving the identity of the recipient (passport data). The back of the check is also filled in, which indicates the amount received, the check number, the date of receipt and the recipient's signature. The check filled in on both sides is handed to the bank operator who checks the correctness of filling, the absence of blots and the authenticity of signatures. He verifies the passport data, puts a mark on the permission to receive money, passes the check to the bank cash desk. After passing the passport identification procedure at the cash desk, you need to sign for the receipt of money and, in fact, get them in your hands, having carefully counted.

Step 4

Fill in the check correctly. Each such document has mandatory lines and a certain order of filling. Clearly and legibly, without blots, you should fill in the following details of the check on its front side: name of the organization, account number, check number, amount in figures. Further - the date, month, year of issue, city of the bank's location, last name, first name, patronymic of the recipient. Then confirm the amount in words. The signature of the head of the company and the person in charge of monetary transactions with the bank (cashier, accountant) is also put here. All signatures are certified by the clear seal of the company.
