Sometimes citizens complain about the increase in the cost of housing and communal services, but at the same time they do not use the opportunities to reduce the amount of their payment, which are provided by the law. So, you can write an application for recalculation of the payment for housing and communal services in the case when you were temporarily absent from your place of residence, for example, went on vacation.

Step 1
Apply in writing to the management organization that services your home. You can write this statement to the chairman of the HOA, if organized, or to the appropriate resource-saving organization. Use a standard sheet of white writing paper and a pen with black or blue ink to write.
Step 2
Address the application to the organization that bills you for the provision of housing and communal services. If you pay multiple receipts each month, the number of applications you write should be the same. Read the receipts, in their header, as a rule, the full name of the organization, its address and contact numbers, by which you can contact with a question, are indicated. Use this data.
Step 3
In the upper right corner of a piece of paper, write the name and address of the organization. After the word: "From" write your last name, initials and address of the place of residence. Then, below, in the middle of the line, write the word: "Statement."
Step 4
It makes no sense to write a lot of text. In the application, ask to recalculate the payment due to the temporary absence, indicate the type of utilities and the reason for the absence and the date - from which to which you were away. The application must be accompanied by documents confirming that you were really not at home during the specified period.
Step 5
This can be a certificate from a medical or preventive institution, air and train tickets, a certified copy of a travel certificate, a voucher, etc. security of your apartment during your absence.
Step 6
Date, sign and provide a transcript of your signature. Submit your application to the address provided. This must be done within 1 month after the date you returned home.