How To Reflect Shortages In Inventory

How To Reflect Shortages In Inventory
How To Reflect Shortages In Inventory

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In the process of economic activity, the heads of organizations must carry out an inventory of objects. This is done to ensure that reliable data are indicated in the accounting. As a rule, this procedure is carried out before the submission of annual reports, the change of the materially responsible person. Sometimes there are situations when shortages are identified in the reconciliation process. What should an accountant do in this case?

How to reflect shortages in inventory
How to reflect shortages in inventory


Step 1

Initially, you must appoint members of the inventory commission who will reconcile the property. To do this, fill out an order, where you also write down the terms.

Step 2

Then, on the date specified in the order, the chairman of the commission is given inventory cards of property, technical documents. The financially responsible person gives a receipt to the accounting department that all documents have been handed over, all property has been accounted for.

Step 3

Then the check begins. The commission evaluates the condition of the property. At the end, a collation sheet is drawn up, where the shortages are indicated.

Step 4

You, as an accountant, must draw up an act of writing off the asset on the basis of the collation statement (form No. OS-4). Also fill out the accounting statement, where indicate the reasons for the disposal of the fixed asset, the amount of accrued depreciation, the amount of residual value, the amount of revaluation (if the object was revalued).

Step 5

In accounting, make the entries: D01 "Fixed assets" subaccount "Fixed assets disposal" K01 "Fixed assets" - the initial cost is written off; D02 "Fixed assets depreciation" K01 "Fixed assets" subaccount "Fixed assets disposal" - the amount of accrued depreciation is written off; D94 "Shortages from damage values "К01" OS "- the residual value of the object is written off; Д83" Additional capital "К94" Shortages from damage to values "- the sum of the revaluation is written off; Д73" Settlements with personnel for other operations "К98" Deferred income "- the shortage is written off to the guilty persons; Д70 "Payments to personnel for wages" К73 "Payments to personnel for other operations" - the amount of the shortfall was withheld from the guilty person.

Step 6

In the event that the guilty persons are not found, write off the shortage identified in the inventory process as follows: D91 "Other income and expenses" subaccount "Expenses" К94 "Shortages from damage to valuables" - the amount of the shortage is written off. In this case, the amount of shortage in reflect tax accounting as part of non-operating expenses.
