How To Return The Commission Of Sberbank

How To Return The Commission Of Sberbank
How To Return The Commission Of Sberbank

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Lending to the population is one of the most popular and demanded services provided by financial institutions. A loan allows you to buy real estate, an expensive item or pay for a vacation ticket.

How to return the commission of Sberbank
How to return the commission of Sberbank


Step 1

In order for you to be able to independently calculate the amount of the monthly loan payment, it is important to know the interest rate, loan term and loan amount. In addition, borrowers are often charged additional fees set by the bank, which are both one-time and monthly: for opening and maintaining a loan account, for issuing a loan, for providing financial services when issuing a loan.

Step 2

According to Article 16 of Law No. 2300-1 of 07.02.1992 "On Protection of Consumer Rights", you have the right to refuse to pay commissions under the loan agreement. But, if you do this at the time of applying for a loan for you, the bank will most likely refuse to satisfy your application. Therefore, it is better to act after obtaining a loan and paying commissions.

Step 3

To return the paid commissions under the loan agreement, contact the bank and write a claim with the requirement to invalidate the clause of the loan agreement regarding the payment of the commission. In addition, write that if the bank refuses to satisfy your claim, you intend to apply to the judicial authorities and, on the basis of Article 15 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", demand compensation for moral damage to you.

Step 4

Write a claim in two copies, on one of which ask the bank employee to put a mark that the document is accepted, date, full name, signature and seal of the credit institution. Keep this copy for yourself, and give the second one to the bank for consideration. If an employee of the organization refuses to accept your claim, send it by registered mail with notification.

Step 5

In addition, to return the paid commission under the loan agreement, you can contact the special body for the protection of consumer rights with a statement written to the name of the head of the organization. Attach copies of the loan agreement and the receipt of payment of the commission to the bank with the application.

Step 6

Usually, banks do not bring the matter to court and satisfy claims for the return of the commission amount under the loan agreement.
