Many people from time to time, when they do not have enough money for any purchase, turn to banks for a loan. And if at the same time you live in such a big city as Yekaterinburg, it can be difficult to understand the numerous offers of loan programs that various banks make. So how to get a loan in Yekaterinburg is the most profitable for yourself?
It is necessary
- - passport;
- - income statement;
- - a copy of the work book;
- - a computer;
- - access to the Internet.
Step 1
Choose the type of loan that best suits your situation. Keep in mind that targeted loans - mortgages, home appliances, cars - are usually cheaper than non-targeted loans.
Step 2
Find a complete list of Yekaterinburg banks. This can be done, for example, on the city portal of Yekaterinburg in the section dedicated to banks. On the page, you will see a list of titles. By clicking on one of the names with the mouse, you will see on the screen the coordinates of the selected bank - website, phone number, in some cases, branch addresses. Then you yourself can contact the bank and clarify its lending terms and whether the bank has the type of loan that you need. You can also search for a loan offer using a search engine on the specified site. But it must be borne in mind that it does not contain complete information.
Step 3
Having chosen the bank and loan program you are interested in, prepare a package of documents. Even if a document is optional but desirable, it is best to provide it in order to increase the chances of your application being approved. Order from the employer a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL and a certified copy of the work book. This will confirm your employment and income level. If you plan to take out a loan with a co-borrower, he needs to prepare the same package of documents.
Step 4
Contact the bank of your choice personally with all the documents. Completely and correctly fill out the loan application. After that, leave an application, copies and originals of the necessary documents. Check with a bank employee. When will you be able to receive a response to your application.
Step 5
If you get rejected, don't be discouraged. Yekaterinburg is a big city with many banking organizations. Contact another, it is quite possible that your application will be approved there.