How To Get A Loan In Kazan

How To Get A Loan In Kazan
How To Get A Loan In Kazan

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More than 70 banks are represented on the lending market in Kazan, which offer all types of loans to residents of the city: consumer, mortgage, overdraft, credit cards, etc. For potential borrowers, many programs have been developed, taking into account different goals and needs. If you have a stable income and the necessary documents, it will not be difficult to get a loan in Kazan.

How to get a loan in Kazan
How to get a loan in Kazan

It is necessary

  • - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • - international passport;
  • - driver's license;
  • - SNILS;
  • - certificate of TIN assignment;
  • - military ID;
  • - compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • - certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • - a copy of the work book;
  • - 2-NDFL certificate.


Step 1

Determine the purpose, terms of the loan and the required amount, as well as think over possible collateral in case of need: property pledge, surety, etc.

Step 2

To find the best option, use Internet resources that summarize information about banking services, for example, On this site you can choose a suitable loan program and apply for a loan. It is automatically sent to the banks of Kazan, the terms of which correspond to your requests.

Step 3

In addition, the site contains a complete list of Kazan banks with links to their official sites, where you can familiarize yourself with the services offered, conduct your own analysis and send a questionnaire to the bank of your choice. But keep in mind that there may be a fee for filing an application online, so check the bank's rates first.

Step 4

In the application form, indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, passport data, marital status, place of work and experience, education and other personal data, purpose, desired amount, currency and loan term, as well as contact numbers. When the application is considered, a bank employee will contact you and either invite you for an interview and conclude an agreement, or inform you about the refusal to provide a loan.

Step 5

If the bank makes a positive decision, collect the package of documents, having previously specified its necessary components. In particular, for a consumer loan, you will need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a second document to choose from from the list: foreign passport, driver's license, SNILS, certificate of assignment of TIN, military ID, compulsory medical insurance policy, certificate of marriage or divorce. In some cases, the bank may request a copy of the work book. In addition, take a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL from the accounting department of your company to confirm your solvency. Submit the collected documents by e-mail or in person, having come to the bank for an interview and signing a loan agreement.

Step 6

If you do not have time to study the lending market, use the services of intermediaries - brokerage companies. They will select a lender for you and the best conditions among the many banks represented in Kazan, as well as give the necessary advice on legal and financial issues. Of course, their help costs money, which means it increases your loan servicing costs.

Step 7

If your salary is regularly transferred to a plastic card, you have a good chance of getting a loan from the bank that issued it. Since all financial flows on the card are transparent for the bank, additional proof of solvency will not be required.
