Rent is a form of social relationship. The term rent means the regular income received by the owner for the use of his property, land, capital by another person.

It is necessary
documents confirming ownership
Step 1
Notarize the contract drawn up by the annuity. It is necessary to submit documents of title to the notary office confirming the right to own real estate: a certificate of ownership, a cadastral plan. You also need passports of both parties to the transaction, an extract from the owner's personal account and the written consent of the spouse, if a contract of life annuity is concluded.
Step 2
Register an agreement with the Federal Registration Service. Here you will need the same documents as in a notary office. Write a statement with a list of all attached documents. Registration is carried out within a month from the date of application. From this moment on, the payer of the rent is the owner of the transferred property, and the owner of the property has the right to receive funds within the prescribed period. It should be noted that the property of the annuity payer is registered with a pledge in favor of the annuity recipient.
Step 3
To calculate the rental payments yourself, read the terms of the rental agreement. A finance lease is a special case of a limited permanent annuity. The contract in this case provides for the repayment of the debt in equal installments at the end of each reporting period, the amount of interest on the lease decreases, and the annual expenditure of the principal debt increases. The calculation of rental payments is carried out according to a special formula, where AP is the rental payment;
SK - the amount of the loan;
PS - interest rate in shares per month, i.e., if the annual% rate is 18%, then PS = 18 / (100 × 12);
m - the number of months for which the rent is taken.
Step 4
If the rental agreement stipulates that the principal amount of the debt is paid in equal installments, and interest on the loan is charged on the balance of the debt, then calculate the rental payments as follows:
- firstly, calculate the amount of the principal payment by dividing the amount of the rent by its term;
- secondly, determine the amount of accrued interest: multiply the balance of the debt by the annual interest rate and divide by 12;
- thirdly, calculate the balance of the debt: subtract the product by the amount of the principal payment and the number of past periods from the total rent.
This type of rent is called differentiated.