Having appeared in the 16th century in Italy and being then available only to the most influential people, cotton candy has gained immense popularity in our time, and nowadays not a single large mass event in a city or even a small village can do without merchants of this type of sweets. It's very simple: both children and adults eat it with pleasure. In addition, if your outlet is located in a place with good traffic, then a good start to your business is guaranteed.

The main advantages of this type of business:
- main expenses - for the purchase of an automatic machine for the production of cotton candy (about 30 thousand rubles)
- small retail space (3 sq.m.) and connection to a 220 V network
- the possibility of changing the place of trade (the equipment is light and compact enough)
- return on investment already in the 3rd week of work
A special apparatus is used for the production of cotton wool. There are many of them on the market. Prices vary based on performance. For example, a device costing up to 20 thousand rubles produces 1-3 kg of cotton candy per hour. An apparatus of 60 thousand rubles or more produces 8 kg per hour. But for a start, you can buy a semi-professional one, especially since expensive devices are purchased for large cities with good traffic of a retail outlet.
The process is very simple and anyone can learn it. Many of you have watched this happen. A portion of sugar is poured into a special bowl, then the sugar begins to melt, under the action of centrifugal force, air fibers are formed, and the employee of the point of sale drives a stick to make a sugar lump. To give a brighter taste and color, a color dye is filled into the apparatus, and the snowball acquires the taste of apple, melon, raspberry and other berries and fruits.
Business registration
In order to be the full owner of a cotton candy outlet, you need to register an individual business. To do this, you need to go to the tax office at your place of residence and fill out all the necessary forms.
As a rule, all entrepreneurs pay taxes. You will not get away from this procedure either. Since the area of your retail outlet is only 3 sq. m., then the most suitable option for you would be a single tax on imputed income. It is completely insignificant. The transition to this form of tax payment is carried out within 5 days from the date of registration of the individual entrepreneur.
For starters, you can trade cotton candy yourself, and you will not need additional costs for salaries of hired salespeople. But keep in mind that you definitely need to have a medical record with a passed medical examination, which is necessary for food dealers. Demand this in the future and from your employees. This is the first thing that the police or Rospotrebnadzor will ask you.