How To Open Your Company In Ukraine

How To Open Your Company In Ukraine
How To Open Your Company In Ukraine

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Having filled megalopolises with a large number of goods and services, Russian entrepreneurs, in search of a new market, have long been eyeing Ukraine as a potential partner. Opening a business on the territory of a given country is an easy procedure for Russians.

How to open your company in Ukraine
How to open your company in Ukraine

It is necessary

  • - passport of a resident of the Russian Federation;
  • - various kinds of documents (about the registration of the company, the charter of the organization, etc.);
  • - migration card.


Step 1

The most suitable type of entrepreneurial activity on the territory of Ukraine for citizens entering its territory is the organization of LLC. This is largely due to the ease of documentation and cost minimization. Moreover, you have the right to establish your own business, even if you are not a resident of Ukraine. But remember that you can only be a founder, and the official head of the enterprise can be a resident of the country in which you are opening your business.

Step 2

Any potential entrepreneur who does not live on the territory of Ukraine must first of all acquire an identification code, which is equivalent to our TIN. It can be obtained free of charge from the state tax administration of the country by providing the necessary information. The required package of documents includes a passport and copies of its pages (2, 3 and 5), as well as a migration card and its copy. A prerequisite is the translation of the passport into Ukrainian (translation into Russian is also allowed).

Step 3

The next step is to collect the necessary papers for registering a company. Their list practically does not differ from what is used on the territory of Russia: documents on the establishment of an institution, a charter (necessarily certified by a lawyer), documents on the contribution of primary capital (which must exceed the state-set threshold of 869 hryvnia), the legal address of the organization. Businessmen from another country usually have to either buy their own housing on the territory of Ukraine, or register. Although the option of renting premises for your office is not excluded, it is permissible to do this only if it is in a non-residential fund.

Step 4

You will also have to pay a state fee, which is about 170 hryvnia. After receiving the receipt, along with all the documents, go to the local administration, which is responsible for registering new companies. Registration of a new company is carried out within 72 hours, then it is necessary to notify the tax, social insurance service and other services about its creation.
