Not all leaders see the need to encourage their people, and if they try to somehow stimulate them, they do it wrong. The principle “my house is on the edge, I don’t know anything” does not work in any business. If you think big, then you understand that your success depends on the team in which you work.

Build positive thinking in your team
A person thinks not in words, but in images and sensations. If you hear about something unpleasant, it immediately becomes hard on your soul - a certain feeling is created.
Create positive images in other people's minds even in the most hopeless of situations. Feel the difference: "This segment is almost fully occupied - 90% of our target audience is reached, we are late to enter the market" and "There are 10% who can become our potential buyers, let's think about how to make all these 10% our customers."
In the first case, the team will have a bleak picture; in the second, people will look for a solution to a specific problem without a mood for failure. Needless to say, in which case the enterprise will succeed?
Use words that express positive emotions
For example, instead of just asking "How are you?" Ask the question "How are you feeling?" And when someone asks you something like that, you might say, "Terrible, my head is bursting," or "Great." A person who always feels good has more partners than an eternal whiner.
Use good words to describe other people who are absent from the conversation. This will give your interlocutor confidence that you will never say bad things about him. In addition, your words will definitely reach the subject of your conversation. Teamwork should always be colored in bright colors of friendliness, mutual assistance and support.
Talk positively about work plans
Compare: “Great news! We were announced a campaign, after completing which we will get … "and" The management gave us a new task. We will have to strain to fulfill it, otherwise …”. Set yourself up for victory, not defeat.
When you change your attitude to your own words and learn to always find a prospect even in the most hopeless case, climbing the career ladder will become the nearest prospect.