In our time, you need to take care of your future pension yourself. The times when the state took care of you are over. Although the size of the pension remains relevant for most people. Did you know that if you manage your pension wisely, you can increase your pension by at least 30% in the future? You will learn how to do this in this article.

Step 1
As you know, the pension consists of 3 parts - the base, insurance and funded parts of the pension. There is a separate conversation about each of these parts, we will dwell on the accumulative part. How can you influence the size of your pension? First of all, your official earnings matter. pension contributions are deducted from it. In addition, each worker can independently decide where to place the funded part of the pension and receive significant benefits as a result. Every person who retired no earlier than 2013 has the right to withdraw the funded part of his pension from the Pension Fund and send it either to a non-state pension fund or to a management company. Let's see how you can benefit from this.
Step 2
Undoubtedly, the state pension fund is credible with its rather long term of existence and conservatism. However, it is not as effective as non-governmental organizations, which have more freedom and flexibility, as well as generate higher income. That is, the state pension fund is capable of charging only 8-10% per annum - which is even lower than the official inflation rate. In turn, non-governmental organizations increase this indicator to 20-25% per annum, having great opportunities and working with real estate and bank deposits. Proceeding from this, in a non-state pension fund you will keep your funded part of your pension and increase it by 40% or more.
Step 3
Another option to increase your income in retirement is to conclude an agreement with a non-state pension fund, according to which you yourself decide what the size and frequency of the contribution should be. The advantage of this option is that the established contribution rate can be unlimited and does not depend on your official salary. In other words, with a small official salary, for which scanty contributions are accrued, you can create an additional retirement account, to which you will begin to make contributions from unofficial income at your discretion. Another important advantage in this system is the ability to inherit your savings in a non-state pension fund. Which is not possible with a state pension.
Step 4
In general, every employed person can use any of these several ways to increase their future pension. When transferring the funded part to a non-state pension fund or a management company, you have the opportunity to increase the amount of your pension by at least 150%, in comparison with the state pension fund. In other words, the funded part of the pension will help a retired person to maintain a standard of living similar to that which he had during the period of labor activity, and possibly even exceed it.