How To Accrue Vacation At Your Own Expense In 1C Accounting 8.3

How To Accrue Vacation At Your Own Expense In 1C Accounting 8.3
How To Accrue Vacation At Your Own Expense In 1C Accounting 8.3

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employee has the right to an annual unpaid leave of 14 days, which may be associated with any valid reasons, including family circumstances. And the program "1C 8.3 Accounting" allows you to properly document it.

1C accounting program 8.3 is a great assistant for any financial calculations
1C accounting program 8.3 is a great assistant for any financial calculations

Despite the fact that in the program "1C 8.3 Accounting" there are significantly fewer opportunities for accounting for wages than in a number of specialized products (for example, "1C 8.3 ZUP" or "BuchSoft"), registration of the relevant documents is still possible. So, vacation at own expense implies reflection in the following cases:

- when calculating wages;

- when forming the timesheet;

- when creating a SZV-STAGE report.

Making a vacation at your own expense in 1C 8.3 Accounting

For this procedure, you must perform the following steps:

- in the section "Salary and personnel" you need to enter the link "All charges";

- in the window that opens with payroll, click on the "Create" button and the "Vacation" link;

- in the window for generating a report, you need to fill in the lines "Organization", "Employee" and "Vacation period";

- in the "Comment" field, it is recommended to reflect the document on the basis of which this vacation is granted (for example, an employee's statement);

- the calculation is made in a special form, which will open after clicking on the "Accrued" link;

- you should delete the calculated amount of vacation pay (it is charged automatically, as for a paid vacation);

- the field "Amount" must also be left blank (while the data on the period and the number of days of vacation leave by clicking on the "OK" button);

- check that zeros are indicated in the columns "Accrued", "Personal Income Tax" and "Payable";

- Press the buttons "Record" and "Post".

Payroll and contributions for the month

Registration should be done as follows:

- you need to open a window with payroll by clicking on the link "All charges" in the "Payroll and personnel" section;

- you should click on the "Create" button and click on the "Payroll" link;

- in the window that opens, in the appropriate lines, you need to reflect information on the organization and the period of vacation;

- after clicking the "Fill" button, the tabular section of charges for all employees will be filled in, taking into account vacations;

- to carry out the accrual, click on the "Post and close" button.

Formation of the SZV-STAGE report, taking into account unpaid leave

The annual procedure for submitting reports to the pension fund by all organizations implies the creation of the SZV-STAGE form, which is formed in the 1C 8.3 Accounting program. In this report, unpaid leave appears as the code "NEOPL". Despite the fact that the form is filled in automatically, it should be corrected according to the instructions below:

- in the "Reports" section, click on the "Regulated reports" link;

- in the window that opens, click on the "Create" button;

- from the highlighted list select "Information on the insurance experience of the insured persons, SZV-STAGE";

- in the form that opens, indicate the "Organization" and "Period" and click the "Fill in" button;

- correction of the data on length of service, taking into account unpaid leave, is made by double-clicking the left mouse button on the employee;

- in the list that opens, you need to change the settings from "DLOTPUSK" (paid vacation) to "NEOPL" (unpaid vacation) and click on "OK";

- information is saved by pressing the "Save" and "Post" buttons;

- to create an electronic copy of the report, click the "Upload" button.
