On the basis of the company's financial statements for the year, the shareholders' meeting decides on the payment of dividends. Accounting, taxation and registration of this operation depends on who is the founder and what amounts of retained earnings the organization has.

Step 1
Draw up the annual balance sheet and summarize the total amount of the company's net profit for this reporting period. Gather a general meeting of shareholders of the enterprise, which decides on the payment of dividends to the founders. Based on this, the minutes of the meeting are drawn up and an order is issued on the distribution of net profit. This operation must be reflected in the accounting by writing off the required amount from account 99 "Profits and losses" to the credit of subaccount 94.1 "Profit to be distributed".
Step 2
Remember that the payment of dividends can only be made if a number of conditions are met. The authorized capital must be fully paid, the enterprise does not have signs of bankruptcy and the distribution of profits will not lead to it, and the value of net assets must be less than the amount of the reserve fund or the authorized capital. These requirements are specified in Article 29 of Federal Law No. 14-FZ.
Step 3
Calculate the amount of dividends in proportion to the shares owned by the founders. Reflect the accrual of these amounts in accounting. If the founder is a legal entity or an individual who does not work for the enterprise, then a debit is opened on account 84.1 and a credit on account 75.2 “Settlements on income with founders. For founders who work in the organization, settlements are carried out on the credit of account 70 "Settlements with personnel".
Step 4
Pay dividends to founders. With legal entities, settlements are made by transferring funds from the current account. In this case, it is necessary to open a credit on account 51 "Current account" and a debit on account 75.2 for the corresponding amount. Dividends are paid to individuals from the cash desk with the execution of an expense cash order, therefore, in accounting, the operation is reflected on the credit of account 50 “Cashier”.