How To Close An Emergency

How To Close An Emergency
How To Close An Emergency

Table of contents:


In order to close a private enterprise, you need to contact your local tax office. Further - to perform a series of actions.

How to close an emergency
How to close an emergency


Step 1

Write to the tax office a statement that your company is being liquidated. The application will be on a special form of the proposed sample. You do not need to fill in the box where yours goes: last name, first name, patronymic and signature. This field must be completed in the presence of a notary. It is better to write the entire application in his presence. Next, the notary certifies the application, and you take it to the tax office.

Step 2

You need to fill out an early income tax return. All one-time tax deductions are made one year in advance.

Step 3

Heading to the retirement fund. Submit there the report and all the necessary information that was given for the current year, ahead of schedule.

Step 4

Only after a full report to the state authorities will you be allowed to curtail your activities.
