Until 2001, it was possible to become a client of a foreign bank only after obtaining the consent of the Central Bank of Russia and the Federal Tax Service. Today, conditions have softened, and it became possible for many of our fellow citizens to open an account in a foreign bank. But, in spite of this, a lot of other difficulties remain that those wishing to cooperate with a foreign bank will have to overcome.

Step 1
Decide on the bank. You can do this on your own or with the help of a specialized company, where they will help you choose a suitable credit institution, as well as select and open an account.
Step 2
Collect a complete package of documents. Each financial institution has its own requirements for its volume. But in most cases, this list looks something like this:
• identity documents, • a recommendation from any Russian bank, • confirmation of the address of registration. In addition to the above, the bank may ask you to provide confirmation of the legality of the funds being placed, as well as recommendations from a citizen of your chosen country.
Step 3
Submit your documents to the bank. To do this, it is advisable to come to the office in person, this can significantly increase your chances of getting approval. If this is not possible, send notarized copies of documents, having previously agreed with the bank. It is possible that the lending institution you have chosen has representatives in Russia. In this case, you can arrange an interview without leaving the country.
Step 4
Wait for the bank's response. As a rule, 7-10 days are allocated for making a decision in a credit institution. If the answer is yes, a contract will be signed with you.
Step 5
Inform the tax office of your place of residence about the fact of opening an account with a foreign bank. According to the current legislation, this must be done within a month from the date of conclusion of the contract.