Currently, buying household appliances and real estate on credit has become a common practice for all segments of the population. But, no matter how simplified the procedures for obtaining loans, it is not always profitable. Usually, they try to repay the loan at the earliest opportunity in order to get rid of debts and not spoil the credit history.

Step 1
Carefully read your loan agreement and see if this document provides for penalties from the bank for early repayment of the loan.
Step 2
Contact the bank if you are convinced that you are not facing a penalty for early repayment. Notify the credit department of the bank that you intend to repay the full amount before the due date. The bank will check the status of payments at the moment and calculate the balance of the debt.
Step 3
Pay the amount indicated after the calculations.
Step 4
Take a written confirmation from the bank that you have repaid the loan in full, and the bank has no financial claims against you, in order to avoid unpleasant situations and to confirm your positive credit history.
Step 5
Find out with the bank what will be the amount of the fine imposed for the premature payment of the entire amount of the remaining loan, if it is provided for by the bank's charter.
Step 6
Analyze the situation and decide if you are able to pay the fine or if you would rather wait until the bank's ban on early repayment of the loan expires.
Step 7
Pay the penalties and the remaining loan, if you have the necessary funds for this, and free yourself from onerous obligations. Be sure to take a letter from the bank, which will confirm the repayment of the loan and the absence of obligations on your part.
Step 8
Contact the bank with a statement addressed to the management if early debt repayment is not provided, which is often the case with short-term and small loans. In the application, indicate that you want to repay the entire remaining loan amount in advance.
Step 9
Wait 1 month for a response from the bank.
Step 10
Pay the remaining amount of the debt if the bank has sent you a permit, but be sure to take a document from an employee of the organization confirming the full repayment of the loan.