How To Send Money To Kazakhstan

How To Send Money To Kazakhstan
How To Send Money To Kazakhstan

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There are many different ways to send money. Their choice depends on the size of the commission and the speed of delivery, as well as on the presence of representative offices in the cities of sending and receiving. The most affordable ways to send money to Kazakhstan are money transfers and bank card transfers.


Step 1

One of the most affordable money transfer services is Contact. Its main advantages are high delivery speed and low service fees. First of all, make sure that the representative office of this service is present in the city in which the recipient of the funds is located. Go to the address of the service and select the link "Where to get" from the menu on the left. Select "Kazakhstan" from the list of countries and find the name of the settlement. Select a branch and then rewrite its short code.

Step 2

Click on the "Where to send" link in the menu on the left and select the country you are in, and then the city. You will see a list of service departments. Choose one of them and call to clarify the work schedule - often they do not coincide with those indicated on the site.

Step 3

To send the payment, take your passport, the amount to send, and the amount to pay the commission with you. You can calculate it by following the link "Money transfers". Give the operator your passport and the number of the branch to which you plan to send money, and then carefully check the received papers. They must contain the name of the recipient, the date the payment was sent, as well as the number and amount of the transaction. You will have to transfer all this data to the recipient in the future. If everything is correct, sign and pay for the transfer at the checkout.

Step 4

The Contact payment system also supports depositing to a bank account. To do this, you need the details of the bank in which the recipient has a card open, as well as his account number. Request the Contact account service from the operator, and then provide him with this information. Please note that for this operation you will need to present your passport. You can find detailed tariffs for this service on the company's website. Enrollment will take place within 24 to 48 hours.
