How To Open Help Desk

How To Open Help Desk
How To Open Help Desk

Table of contents:


In modern terms, the help desk in the official documents is now called a mega-content provider. How to organize the service so that the client is provided with the necessary content as soon as possible?

How to open help desk
How to open help desk


Step 1

Decide what services your referral service will provide. Please note that the services can be of two types: actually reference (provision of various information) and service (for example, sale of air tickets or delivery of products).

Step 2

Select the mobile operator (s) with whom you can conclude the most profitable contract.

Step 3

Register a legal entity at the local tax office and submit all the necessary documents to the telecom operator, conclude a contract and receive a multi-channel number.

Step 4

Depending on whether you are looking to open a free or paid referral service, run an advertising campaign. A paid service collects money for services from buyers (i.e., from citizens and organizations applying for help), and a free service exists due to the proceeds from advertising of firms and companies, information about which is provided.

Step 5

If you decide to open a help desk, enter into contracts with companies and centers for the production, sale and delivery of the services or goods about which you intend to provide information.

Step 6

Announce the recruitment of qualified personnel for the newly established call center. Be sure to conduct a personal interview with each of the applicants. Do not forget that the help desk operator must be stress-resistant, have a pleasant voice and, in addition, have a high level of communication skills. At first, it will be quite enough to hire up to 10 employees, and the premises can be rented from a larger call center.

Step 7

In order to grow your business, enter into the necessary agreements with the media and social services to conduct various surveys and online voting.
