How To Make A Firm

How To Make A Firm
How To Make A Firm

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Are you engaged in soap making and selling your soap to anyone interested? Do you want to organize a food delivery service to your office? Just want to become an entrepreneur? Make your firm. It is difficult, and often very difficult, but few things can bring as much satisfaction as your developing business brings it.


Step 1

To make a firm, you need an idea, and to find an idea, you need an entrepreneurial approach. An entrepreneur is someone who largely searches for and finds profitable business opportunities, as well as opportunities to apply their talents. The entrepreneurial approach is not innate, it is acquired in the process of life, observing other people. An entrepreneur thinks "for the future": what will be interesting to people in two years? In addition, he does what he likes and, as a rule, is passionate about the business.

Step 2

If you have an idea for your company, then you can calculate how much money will be needed to implement it and how much you can invest. To implement a costly idea, you will have to look for an investor. If your capital is a little less than what you need, then at first you can give up some secondary costs, but create a company.

Step 3

Take, for example, a vintage jewelry firm (no precious metals). All the possible costs of setting up such a firm are listed below.

1) company registration (from 7,000 to 22,000 rubles).

2) a room where jewelery production masters will sit (rent can cost from 30,000 rubles a month for a tiny room).

3) staff (at least two foremen, salary - from 25,000 rubles).

4) website (from 30,000 rubles).

5) advertising (from several thousand).

6) equipment of the premises (variable).

7) materials (optional).

Step 4

Now let's think about what you need from this list right away, and what can be postponed for later. Registration is obviously required. Many argue that tax inspections ignore "clandestine" small businesses, but it's best not to risk it. You can save on registration by doing it yourself, rather than entrusting it to a law firm. We don't need a room right away, craftsmen can make jewelry at home and bring it to you, and you, accordingly, sell it. A site is definitely needed, and a selling site, advertising is at a minimum. Thinking in this way, you can spend less on building a company.

Step 5

If you do decide to attract an investor, then you will need to draw up a detailed business plan. Not the one that you compiled for yourself in a small file (or even in your own head), but a detailed business plan that will convince the investor that your company will definitely become successful and profitable. In a business plan for an investor, the emphasis should be on exactly the benefit that he can get. In order to convince him of this, you need to show what advantages your company has over competitors, how you are going to develop and what income you expect yourself.
