Products are perishable goods and must be sold quickly. How can a seller of foodstuffs organize sales so as not to go broke and not lose customers?

Step 1
If you are just starting a trading venture, refer to the experience of competitors first. Check out which products are best sold in your area. Determine how shoppers are reacting to the rise in prices for everyday goods, because sooner or later you will have to face it, even if you initially plan to sell products inexpensively in order to interest the buyer.
Step 2
Only work with trusted suppliers. Of course, it will be better if you cooperate with direct manufacturers of goods, but if this is not yet possible, choose an ordinary wholesale and retail warehouse in your city for a start. In this case, you will have to conclude a supply contract only with the warehouse administration. Choose the warehouse closest to your store to save on shipping costs.
Step 3
Place ads in the media, including on the Internet (for example, on websites or, that you wish to purchase products. Indicate the type of product you are interested in, the approximate cost (optional). Search newspapers or the Internet for information on product sales. Unfortunately, in this way it is difficult to establish uninterrupted supply of products and, in addition, there is a risk of running into unscrupulous suppliers
Step 4
Demand from both retail suppliers and wholesalers all the necessary certificates they received from the manufacturer. Be sure to try to contact the product manufacturers directly. If agriculture is developed in your region, then it is better in this case to specialize in high-quality domestic products than to constantly overpay, expanding the range.
Step 5
If possible, gradually move from retail purchases of goods to wholesale. To keep the product from being stuck in your warehouse, constantly hold promotions to increase sales (discounts, gifts). If you find really good suppliers for long-term cooperation, then they will meet you halfway and provide you with discounts and installments, as well as provide free delivery of products to your store.