Sberbank's US is a self-service device, a cross between an ATM and a payment terminal. These systems allow the bank's clients to independently perform a variety of procedures, from depositing and receiving cash and ending with opening a deposit.

How does Sberbank's US stand for?
US, or self-service device, means one of the types of systems that allow the bank's client to independently carry out the necessary operations. In addition to RS, there are:
1. Sberbank-online, represented by a site with client accounts, allowing a huge number of various operations to be carried out via the Internet.
2. Application Mobile Sberbank, which allows you to regulate and manage bank accounts through a cell phone.
The self-service device looks like a regular payment terminal and is located in Sberbank branches. The following types of operations can be carried out through the RS:
1. Payment in cash or using a bank (debit) card for utility bills.
2. Payment for communication facilities (Internet, mobile and landline phones).
3. Payment of taxes and fees.
4. Redemption of traffic police fines.
5. Request for card balance and display it on the terminal screen or on a receipt.
6. Connecting and disconnecting additional banking services (“Thank you from Sberbank, auto payment, etc.).
About the advantages of the USA of Sberbank
Previously, bank terminals allowed only the most basic operations: withdraw and deposit cash, pay for mobile communications, etc. Now these systems perform functions that in previous years could only be performed at the checkout. These are financial, informational, and some others. Self-service devices also have a major advantage - they work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In more detail about the operations that can be performed using the CA:
1. Deposit and withdrawal of cash. Previously, terminals in Sberbank were divided into those that accept money and those that give it to the user. Self-service devices now combine these two operations. And even ATMs with recycling functions have appeared. This feature allows customers to re-receive the newly deposited cash without having to reboot the device earlier.
2. Payment of taxes, fines, and various services. These operations can be carried out both in cash (without the obligatory replenishment of a bank card), and in a non-cash way.
The Sberbank system contains information about a huge number of various recipient organizations. This allows the user to quickly find the required company and deposit the required amount into its account without filling in the company data. The system itself will display the details of the organization on the screen, and the client will only have to check them. Payment for services is carried out with a minimum commission, and it will come out cheaper than carrying out the same operation through the bank's cash desk.
The payment functionality in self-service devices is constantly improving and expanding. Nowadays, most ATMs and terminals have a barcode scanner, which simplifies and speeds up the payment procedure many times over.
3. Viewing information about available cards, as well as loans and deposits. In the "My Accounts" section, customers can find detailed information about current loans, card transactions, etc. In your personal account in the US you can even open a deposit on your own.
4. Changing the PIN code of the bank card, obtaining a new username and password to enter Sberbank Online. The system allows you to independently change the PIN code issued upon receipt of the card to the one that is more convenient for the client.
5. Additional personal offers. Not all self-service devices displayed on the monitor can be implemented immediately. Most of them require preliminary informing of bank employees that the client is interested in a particular service (for example, it concerns the issuance of a loan). However, such a system allows you to quickly inform the bank about your desire, and the process of analyzing the data provided by the user takes less time than when contacting the cashier.
Where and how to find the nearest Sberbank accountant?
You can find the closest self-service device using the official website of Sberbank. The header of the main page contains a link to branches and ATMs. By clicking on it, the user will see a map and addresses of bank offices and terminals located in the city. You can also find self-service devices through the Sberbank mobile application.