Most bank cards are valid for 2 or 3 years from the date of issue. As soon as this time expires, the card needs to be reissued. Perhaps you have other reasons for reissuing: loss or theft, blocking of the card, as well as changing your data indicated on it.

It is necessary
Step 1
To reissue a card, some banks insist that you contact the same bank branch where the card was received by you. At least that's where the new map is sent by default. But many banks agree to meet the needs of their customers, they reissue the card in the branches not at the place where the card is kept, but at the place of the customer's request. How your bank acts in this case, you can find out by calling the customer support service.
Step 2
You need to go to the selected bank branch, where you will be given an application form for card reissue, which you will need to fill out. The bank branch will tell you how much the reissue procedure will cost, as well as how soon your new card will be ready. For the procedure, in most cases, you will need a passport. After the expiry of the term specified by the bank, you will need to come to the branch and get a new card.
Step 3
The speed at which cards are reissued may vary depending on the reasons for the operation. For example, a planned card is a card re-issue associated with the expiration of its validity period, or a re-issue, which was caused by theft or loss of the card.
Step 4
If you have lost your card, or it has been stolen from you, or you find that funds have been debited from the card for other purposes, that is, the payments were not made by you, immediately call the service center and block the card. Then you will need to reissue it in one of the branches of your bank.