It is much easier to go through the IP closure procedure if you know the sequence of your actions in advance. This will allow you to calmly collect all the necessary documents before closing the IP, choose the right time for closing and complete it quickly and without unnecessary hassle.

It is necessary
- - passport;
- - certificate of individual entrepreneur;
- - money to pay state fees and fixed payments;
- - forms of documents.
Step 1
Find the phone number of your tax office where you are registered as an individual entrepreneur. You can find out the phone number on the FTS website or in the telephone directory of your city. Call this number and find out to which tax office you need to submit documents in order to close an individual entrepreneur, which state duty to pay.
Step 2
Fill out an application for the liquidation of an individual entrepreneur. It is filled out on the P26001 form - you can take this form at any tax office.
Step 3
Pay the state fee. This can be done at the branch of Sberbank of Russia. You need to have a passport with you, a completed receipt for payment of the state duty for closing an individual entrepreneur. It is better to fill in the receipt in advance, after carefully checking whether the payment details are filled in correctly. In 2011, the state duty is 160 rubles.
Step 4
Submit the documents for closing an individual entrepreneur to the tax office. You need to have an application for the closure of the individual entrepreneur and a receipt for payment of the state duty, on which there is a note of payment. After 5 working days from the date of submission of documents (not counting the day of submission of documents), you will receive a certificate of state registration of the termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur (in the form of R65001) and an extract from the USRIP (unified state register of individual entrepreneurs). If you do not show up for documents, they will be sent to your home address.
Step 5
Notify the district office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the closure of the individual entrepreneur and receive in it a calculation for mandatory fixed payments. This must be done within 12 days from the date of the IP closure (the date that is indicated in the Certificate of state registration of the termination of activities as an IP). During your visit to the Pension Fund, take with you your passport, Certificate of termination of the IP.
Step 6
Pay off the outstanding obligatory fixed payments. The Pension Fund specialists will give you receipts for payment.