You can regularly win at roulette, building your earnings on this, provided you create your own game system. The most common principle on which many systems are based is the Martingale principle.

Step 1
There are many ways to be guaranteed to win at roulette on the Internet. The method based on the Martingale principle is quite widespread in the network - to constantly bet on black or red and double the bets after each loss. Never use these methods when playing for real money! The fact is that casino owners have long learned all well-known systems and protected themselves from them by developing the rules of the game. For example, limiting the upper and lower stakes limits reduces the likelihood of winning when playing the Martingale principle. Although it will be useful to familiarize yourself with all the methods for creating your own game system.
Step 2
Develop your roulette system based on the Martingale principle or some other principle. Your system should be mathematically accurate to win. If the system allows a certain amount of losses before a win is achieved, the amount of the win must compensate for the sum of all the money lost.
Step 3
If you are a gambler, you shouldn't gamble at the casino. It is the gamblers who make the casino bank. Only those who know how to control themselves, know how to play smartly and play not for pleasure, but for the result (win) win regularly. There are always such players in any establishment. They do not give in to excitement and know perfectly well when to stop. They play on boring and uninteresting, but mathematically verified and always winning combinations.
Step 4
Roulette in online casinos does not work on a random occurrence, but on the basis of a program. All casino programs take into account the common principles of the game and can often issue long streaks of the same color to "neutralize" the Martingale players. That is why it is so important to create your own principle of playing roulette. On the other hand, do not assume that the roulette wheel is manually controlled and that someone is sitting and watching the game of each player. Roulette is controlled by a program that is subject to certain algorithms.
Step 5
The overwhelming majority of players cannot stop, even if they are in the black. They are delusional that they can win even more, and in the end they all lose. There is no infinite win with any strategy of the game. Do not try to win more than 30% of your deposit. Moreover, the larger the deposit, the smaller (in percentage) winnings you should focus on. It is much better to win 10% of your deposit and leave to play in another casino than to risk trying to win more and more. The lower the percentage you take, the more reliability you will have. After the winnings have been cashed out, the next game with a high degree of probability will be unsuccessful. Do the same with losses: after losing 10%, just leave. Do not bring the matter to the point of losing all the money by unsuccessfully trying to recoup.
Step 6
Be sure to keep a record of the game. But don't trust this casino, keep records yourself. This will help you analyze the game and its results, help you see the general scheme of the game and determine how successful the method is. Do not use the provided tables of numbers already winning today. They will make you want to bet on numbers that you haven't won yet. This can lead to a loss.