How To Live On Welfare

How To Live On Welfare
How To Live On Welfare

Table of contents:


In foreign countries, it is much more profitable to live on unemployment benefits than to work and pay taxes. In our country, the situation is different, a monthly allowance can hardly be enough for several days of a full life.

How to live on welfare
How to live on welfare

It is necessary

Employment, or a large and expensive apartment in the regional center


Step 1

Until now, it remains a mystery to everyone what calculations the government uses when assigning unemployment benefits, childcare benefits, pensions, and disability benefits. The most interesting thing is that when receiving benefits, no one cancels the payment for utilities. When the apartment is one-room, it is a little easier to live, but if there is a two- or three-room apartment, the allowance will not be enough even partially for utilities, and there is no one to help. There is, of course, a way out! You can turn off the heating, light, sewage and live in a cave environment. But you can rent out a room in an apartment to visiting students for a small rent, which will cover some expenses. You can apply for a subsidy, however, this procedure can last for several months, but a pleasant pastime in kilometer-long queues, trips to all levels is ensured, and the likelihood of a possible refusal should not be discarded.

Step 2

It is good to get married or get married so that someone can feed and drink, and also buy basic things for housekeeping. If you're lucky, maybe there will be enough money for clothes. Or is it better to sell your home and move to a village, the value of the property is significantly different and the difference in price should be enough to get a farm. It will be possible to grow organic vegetables and sell them. Buy a cow so that there is always fresh milk, buy a dozen chickens, and a happy old age is guaranteed.

Step 3

Find a well-paid job. A problem can arise if the child care benefit is paid. The question will be: where to put it? We'll have to give it up to be torn apart by a grandmother or in a nursery. And will the employer want to take a young mother with a small child to work in his organization, knowing that young children are often sick, and if something happens, such a mother is not so easy to fire, given our legislation? You will have to get settled by acquaintance.
