How To Live On A Pension Of 8,000 Rubles

How To Live On A Pension Of 8,000 Rubles
How To Live On A Pension Of 8,000 Rubles

The average income of a Russian pensioner is 8,000 rubles. How to live on retirement, how to properly form your budget, and how to find additional sources of income - such questions are asked by everyone who is faced with a shortage of funds after retirement.

How to live on a pension of 8,000 rubles
How to live on a pension of 8,000 rubles

The pension is always less than the income to which a person is accustomed during the period of active labor activity. Switching to a new regime, forming a new budget is always difficult, not only financially, but also psychologically. The problem is quite solvable if we consider it from an economic point of view and continue to adhere to the same active life position as during the period of labor activity.

The principle of forming a pensioner's budget

After retirement and the transition to a lower income, many are lost, and in the first months they do not plan expenses - this is a major financial and psychological mistake. Learning to live in retirement should begin long before this period begins. First of all, you need to determine the most important items of monthly expenses:

  • communal payments,
  • basic set of products,
  • health - expenses for medical care and medicines,
  • clothing and household goods.

As a rule, a certain amount is allocated for each of the points. Utility bills are by far the most significant and largest waste. But this part of the cost can be significantly reduced if you use your legal right to receive a subsidy. Contact your local social welfare office for information on how to get it.

Food is another significant cost item that you can save on. By the day you receive your pension, you need to make a list, and buy only what is included in it.

Medical care for pensioners, as well as for all citizens, is provided free of charge. Moreover, part of the cost of purchasing drugs is paid by the state, it is only important not to be lazy and not to be ashamed to demand what is required by law.

Sources of additional income for retirees

Russian pensioners have always been and remain active citizens. In the modern world, there are many opportunities for generating additional income for the older generation:

  • own home business - sewing, knitting, tutoring, renting out housing or part of it for rent,
  • making money on the Internet - copywriting, maintaining a thematic blog, distributing goods,
  • development of a summer cottage and sale of products, beekeeping.

The availability of additional income in retirement depends on the activity of the pensioner himself. It is very important not to give up, not to “write” yourself into a group of unnecessary people. If the fact of retirement negatively affects the psychological state, you can contact a psychologist or loved ones, do not hesitate to ask for support and attention.

A well-deserved rest, the end of official labor activity is a certain freedom, an opportunity to develop in an already mastered or new direction for oneself. If you realize this, then the question of how to live on a pension of 8,000 rubles will not be relevant.
