The fundamental difference between a social pension and a labor pension is that it is assigned to citizens who, for certain reasons, have not acquired the right to receive a labor pension. Therefore, the size of the social pension does not depend on the length of service and the level of wages, but on the size of the subsistence minimum. When registering this type of pension, you should be guided by the instructions.

Step 1
Determine if you are eligible for a social pension under current pension laws. The category of disabled citizens who have this right include:
- Citizens with I, II and III disability groups, including those with disabilities since childhood;
- disabled children;
- children from families who have lost their breadwinner, under the age of 18, as well as orphans studying full-time at educational institutions of all types, until they reach the age of 23; children of a deceased single mother;
- Citizens upon reaching the age of 65 (men) and 60 years (women);
- Citizens from among the small-numbered peoples of the North upon reaching the age of 55 (men) and 50 years (women).
Step 2
To apply for a social pension, prepare a package of documents in accordance with the selected category. It may include a passport, a document on disability and degree of disability, on belonging to the small peoples of the North, on belonging to the category of "orphans": a certificate of the death of the breadwinner, of the death of the other parent, confirmation that the deceased was a single mother.
If necessary, the following documents are attached:
- confirming kinship with the deceased;
- identifying the identity and powers of the representative of the minor on legal grounds;
- determining the place of registration and actual residence of the person in need of a pension;
- a certificate from an educational institution.
Step 3
Submit the documents to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation located in the territory where you live.
Step 4
You should be aware that when applying for a job, the payment of social pension stops.
Step 5
If you received a social disability pension, then upon reaching the age of 65 or 60 (respectively for men and women), its payment stops, but an old-age pension is assigned, the amount of which must not be less than the previously received disability pension.