If you decide to file a statement of claim with the court, then in order to consider it, you must first pay a state fee to the budget. However, in some cases, due to a refusal to initiate a case, a decrease in claims on it or the conclusion of an amicable agreement, there is a right to reimburse the paid fee in part or in full.

Step 1
Go to the arbitration court and ask to issue a certificate on the return of the paid state half of the tire. Usually this document is sent by mail or issued together with a court decision or ruling. If you made an overpayment of the state duty to the court, then you need to get the correct calculation of the amount. These certificates can be obtained from the department that issues orders of execution. You will need the operative part of the court decision, which specifies the amount of the fee to be reimbursed.
Step 2
Collect the package of documents that are required for the return of the state duty. Without fail, you need the payment order for which you made the payment. If the duty is refunded in full, then the original document is submitted to the tax office, which will be returned to you after the specified amount is returned. If the fee needs to be partially returned, then it is enough to make a copy of the payment order and put your signature on it. Legal entities must also certify the document with the company's seal.
Step 3
Write an application for a refund of the state duty. It is necessary to indicate the date and amount of the payment, refer to the number of the payment order, and then indicate the amount of compensation. After that, mark your passport or registration information and indicate the bank details of the current account to which you want to transfer the amount of the paid fee.
Step 4
If you are an individual and do not have a bank account, you will need to open it first. In the hands of money in the tax office is not issued.
Step 5
Submit an application and a package of documents to the tax office. It is advisable to send all this by registered mail with a list of attachments. Save your shipping receipt in case of dispute. Get a written decision on your request. If you have received a refusal to reimburse you, you have the right to go to court to resolve the disputed point.