How To Get A Loan From Sberbank For Urgent Needs

How To Get A Loan From Sberbank For Urgent Needs
How To Get A Loan From Sberbank For Urgent Needs

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Credit for urgent needs is referred to as consumer money loans. Sberbank provides its clients with the opportunity to receive up to 500,000 rubles without collateral and guarantors. It is enough just to collect the necessary package of documents.

How to get a loan from Sberbank for urgent needs
How to get a loan from Sberbank for urgent needs


Step 1

Contact the nearest Sberbank branch to draw up an application for a consumer loan. The cashier-operator will tell you about additional conditions, and you can clarify the specific interest rate and the exact package of documents.

Step 2

Prepare your documents. There must be a permanent registration mark in the passport. If the registration address does not coincide with your place of residence, then you will be given a loan for a period not exceeding the end of temporary registration.

Step 3

Make a copy of your work record book or an extract from it, certified by the employer. The data in the work book should inform about your employment for the last 5 years. If your total experience is less than this period, then provide a copy of the entire document. Keep in mind that the length of service in the last job must exceed six months.

Step 4

To obtain a loan, you must provide the bank with information about your income for the last 6 months. Take a certificate from the accounting department of your organization in the form of 2-NDFL. Some organizations have their own form of income statements. The bank must accept such supporting documents.

Step 5

However, documents confirming income are not required for those clients who participate in a corporate salary project and receive their wages to an account with Sberbank. Please note that your income must be at least the minimum subsistence level, together with the amount for payment and service of the loan.

Step 6

If you receive a pension, you need to submit a certificate confirming its size. The age at the end of the loan payment must not exceed 65 years, therefore, correlate the level of income with age in advance so that you will not be denied the issuance of funds.

Step 7

Consideration of the applicant's questionnaire takes place within 7 days. If a loan is approved for you, you need to open a personal account with Sberbank in the form of a deposit or a card. The loan amount will be transferred there.
