How To Reduce The Interest Rate On A Loan

How To Reduce The Interest Rate On A Loan
How To Reduce The Interest Rate On A Loan

Table of contents:


As a rule, in the agreement the loan price is set in the form of a fixed amount of interest accrued for the ability to use the bank's funds during the year. When calculating a certain amount of interest on a loan, the interest rate itself is taken into account, as well as the actual number of calendar days for which you borrow money. At the same time, the amount of money itself does not take the last place.


Step 1

You can reduce the interest rate by refinancing. In this case, instead of the old, least profitable loan for you, you can take a new loan, which will have the best conditions. The new loan is used to cover the old loan, so you can not only reduce the interest rate, but also shorten the loan repayment period.

Step 2

In order to achieve a reduction in the lending rate from the bank, it is necessary to provide documents that can confirm the financial problems that have arisen. As a rule, banks are most supportive of borrowers who give advance warning of their problems. And the main thing in this case is the accurate fulfillment of the current obligations of the client himself.

Step 3

For example, if the reason was the loss of financial income as a result of dismissal from a permanent job, then in this case you will need to provide a copy of your work book. In case of a decrease in wages - a 2NDFL certificate (on monthly wage income). If the reason was a temporary disability, then a copy of the sick leave, as well as a certificate from a doctor, will be a supporting document.

Step 4

Apply for a loan that is secured by a pledge or surety - this type of loan will cost you much less. In this case, from the point of view of the bank, the presence of any liquid collateral (car or apartment) significantly reduces the risks of non-repayment of the loan. That is why a lending institution can make individual parameters of a loan much more attractive: reduce the interest rate, as well as increase the lending limit.

Step 5

If you do not have a special need for insurance, then refuse this service. Indeed, for any loan, a certain percentage is also taken for insurance on a monthly basis, which is then included in the principal amount of the debt.
