How To Change The Loan Payment Schedule

How To Change The Loan Payment Schedule
How To Change The Loan Payment Schedule

When applying for a loan at a bank, you sign an agreement with a financial institution, which specifies the obligations and rights of the parties. If you are unable to make a payment on time, you can ask the bank to change the payment schedule.


How to change the payment schedule

The schedule changes for several reasons. Let's say the contract states that you owe the loan on the 8th. If your salary is calculated on the 5th, then you will not have problems with payment. But now you have moved to work in another organization, and the salary is now credited to your account on the 12th. It may be inconvenient or impossible for you to pay the loan on the 8th, in accordance with the agreement. It is necessary to change the payment schedule, then there will be no delinquencies on the loan, your credit history will not suffer.

Ask the bank to change the payment schedule. To do this, you need to visit a bank branch and write an application. The bank may ask you to indicate the reasons for the transfer of payments and provide documents confirming your words. If the matter is in changing the date of receipt of the salary, you must provide a certificate from the accounting department of the enterprise. When speaking at the bank about changing jobs, show a copy of your work record book.

Having written a statement about changing the payment schedule, wait for a response from the bank. If you have shown yourself to be a responsible borrower, the bank will meet you halfway. It should be borne in mind that for changing the terms of the agreement, the bank has the right to take a commission, which can reach several tens of thousands of rubles, if we are talking about a large loan amount.

In addition, you will have to pay the accrued interest for the period between the old date and the new one. Let's say the bank makes a positive decision for the borrower. In this case, you need to draw up an additional agreement to the loan agreement. If you have a mortgage loan, you must register it with government agencies.

What you should pay attention to

You can postpone the payment date for loans that were issued in cash and for consumer loans. This does not require a lot of time. With regard to a mortgage loan, in order to change the payment date, you need to make changes to the mortgage. But this is already a complex and lengthy process. Few banks will go to such a thing.

It should be noted that it is impossible to change the date of the monthly payment on a credit card - you will have to pay when specified in the contract. Do not forget that after changing the date, the payment schedule will also change. Bank staff must provide a new schedule. In order to avoid problems with the bank in the future, you must have all copies of documents on hand.

If the bank refuses to amend the loan agreement, you can demand refinancing of the loan. At the same time, you should not have delays. Refinancing will allow you to change the parameters of the loan - to shorten or stretch it in time, change the date or reduce the monthly payment.
