Who Are The Rockefellers

Who Are The Rockefellers
Who Are The Rockefellers

Video: Who Are The Rockefellers

Video: Who Are The Rockefellers
Video: Who Are The Rockefellers & How Much Power Do They Have? 2024, October

The Rockefellers are a dynasty of American entrepreneurs, it is almost impossible to estimate the size of their fortune today. The American government has repeatedly turned to them for financial assistance. The influence of the Rockefeller dynasty on the American economy today is of great importance. According to some reports, the size of America's debt to the national bank, which belongs to the Rockefellers, is more than $ 15 billion.

Who are the Rockefellers
Who are the Rockefellers

The founder of the dynasty, John Rockefeller Sr., created Standard Oil in 1870, which in the early 19th century managed to take over everything related to the refining and sale of oil and petroleum products. Even after the company was split into several smaller parts by a court decision, the Rockefellers retained their influence over them.

After the death of John Rockefeller Sr., his business was successfully continued by his only son, John Davison Rockefeller Jr., who was replaced by his five sons. The Rockefeller Five played a major role in the political and economic life of the United States in the twentieth century. They held high positions, were engaged in political and charitable activities, created banks and national reserves.

Rockefeller Center is one of the landmarks of New York. This is a complex of skyscrapers that were built under the leadership of John D. Rockefeller Jr. back in the 30s. Today, these buildings house the boards of every television broadcasting corporation in America, as well as many American and foreign agencies. Rockefeller Center was acquired by the Japanese company Mitsubishi Estate in 1989.

Rockefeller charitable activities have played an important role in the life of every generation of this dynasty. In 1913, John Rockefeller Sr. organized the Rockefeller Foundation to improve living conditions around the world. The second largest Rockefeller Foundation has devoted huge funds to medical research and educational innovation.

In 1940, the second Rockefeller Brothers Charitable Foundation was organized. He is also actively involved in supporting scientific research, social and political activities and provides financial support to trade union organizations.

Today, the main news in the life of the Rockefeller dynasty is the merger of their assets with the funds of the Rothschild family. Two powerful clans decided to join forces in the face of the global crisis.