The level of development of a country is determined not only by high economic indicators, but also by the actual well-being of its people. This indicator is influenced by the efficiency of the national economy, the methods of economic regulation used by the state, and the social responsibility of the authorities to citizens.

Raising the standard of living of the people as a priority task of the state
In Russia, the task of improving the well-being of the people was set by the Soviet leaders. In the early 60s of the last century, the leader of the USSR, N. S. Khrushchev confidently declared that the modern generation of Soviet citizens would live under communism. At the same time, it was assumed that society would reach a stage of development, at which there would be an abundance of material wealth. Years passed, but the bold statement of the party leader did not come true.
After the beginning of the transition of the Russian national economy to a capitalist track, economists associated the growth of the population's well-being with the introduction of the methods of a free market economy. However, at the first stage of economic reforms, the standard of living of broad strata of the population steadily declined. Unemployment rose, food and basic necessities prices rose. Increased social inequality and stratification of the people.
It became clear that free market relations by themselves are not in a position to benefit the masses of the people. To achieve a high level of well-being of the population, it was necessary to take a number of measures in the field of state regulation of the economy and social security. Economists of Russia and its statesmen turned to the experience of the most developed countries, where social issues were resolved most effectively.
Ways to improve the well-being of the population
It turned out that one of the factors influencing the improvement of the well-being of the population is the developed infrastructure of the market and transparent “rules of the game”, which are obligatory for all subjects of economic activity. When representatives of the business world and consumers of goods and services understand what principles the state is guided by in economic policy, conditions are created for cooperation between the state, free enterprise and the people.
Those countries where the standard of living of the people is considered high, use the practice of wide intervention in the economic activities of economic entities. By supporting healthy competition in the market for consumer goods and services, the state influences the price level, which helps to reduce the costs of the population, especially its low-income strata, the least protected in social terms. Entrepreneurs are faced with the need to take into account the interests of consumers.
Another way to improve the well-being of the population is the development of a wide range of social programs by the state and strict implementation of social obligations. This includes increased spending on health, education, culture and science. The standard of living of the population is not only an increase in its income, but also a high degree of development of the entire social infrastructure.
The state, with all its will, is unable to ensure the well-being of the entire people only at the expense of the budget and the provision of social assistance. A more effective way is to create conditions for the free development of entrepreneurial initiative among a wide range of citizens. In recent years, the state has been implementing programs to help those who decide to take their future into their own hands and go into small business. It is assumed that such an approach will solve the issues of employment of the population, lead to the creation of jobs, to an overall increase in income and welfare.