Situations in life are different. Sometimes external circumstances develop in such a way that it is impossible to fulfill obligations to the bank, and an overdue loan arises. At the same time, interest on the debt begins to accrue. In this situation, it is better to take measures that will help pay off.

Step 1
Try to borrow money. You can contact another bank or your friends. It is much easier to negotiate a loan with a person than with a bank. The sooner you pay off the debt, the better, since the penalty is charged daily, and gradually its amount may exceed the amount of the loan.
Step 2
If there is no way to pay, contact the bank with a request for restructuring. This is a procedure for increasing the loan term with a decrease in the volume of payment per month. Many banks take this step, but the increase in the term will affect the total amount of interest that you overpay. For the bank to agree, write a statement, in it state the reasons why it is difficult for you to pay the loan agreement.
Step 3
Some banks provide a deferred payment. To do this, you also need to come to the branch where the loan was taken and write a statement explaining the reason. After all, restructuring will not help out if there is no work. Even if the payment is less, it is still impossible to extinguish it without money. The postponement can be given for up to six months, but in each case it is decided individually.
Step 4
It is not recommended to hide from the bank and not pay at all, as after some time it will be forced to collect its funds. Today, the loan agreement specifies how exactly the bank can do this. The most common one is going to court. The second most popular is contacting collection agencies and reselling a loan. The third is its own security service, which will collect money in various ways.
Step 5
If the loan is overdue and exceeds the loan amount, then you can go to court yourself. The court can stop the accrual of penalties, reduce their amount, set the terms for payment. If it is not possible to pay off everything at a time, then the securities will be handed over to the bailiffs, who will gradually charge the specified amount.