How To Get Money For A Child In

How To Get Money For A Child In
How To Get Money For A Child In

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All Russians are entitled to a lump sum for the birth of a child. Since January 1, 2011, it has been a little less than 11 thousand rubles. To receive this money, you need to provide a package of documents for work. And in its absence - in the social security.

How to get money for a child
How to get money for a child

It is necessary

  • - passport;
  • - birth certificate of the child;
  • - a certificate from the registry office;
  • - a certificate from the work of the second parent or from the social security at his place of residence, if he does not work, that he did not receive benefits;
  • - work book with a note of dismissal for non-working parents or, if it is not there, a document on education;
  • - application for the appointment of benefits.


Step 1

When registering a child at the registry office, along with a birth certificate, you will be given a certificate for granting benefits. Along with it, you must provide the original and a copy of the child's birth certificate and a document confirming that the other parent did not receive benefits. If he works, he must take the necessary certificate from the accounting department of his employer. If not, go to the social security office at the place of residence and provide confirmation that it does not work. In practice, this is a work book with the last record of dismissal, and in its absence - a diploma or school certificate.

Step 2

If both parents do not work, they need to contact the social security office at their place of residence. In a situation where they are registered in different places, you will need a certificate of non-receipt of benefits from the social security, to which the one who does not apply for benefits belongs. The same situation is with individual entrepreneurs, but they will need a document from the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation that its submitter is not in relations with this organization and does not have the right to apply for benefits directly in social insurance. The same entrepreneur who makes contributions to social insurance for himself and his employees should contact the territorial department of the fund directly.

Step 3

The allowance must be transferred within 10 days from the date of acceptance of all documents.

The employer, having received this money, must transfer it to the employee's account or pay it in cash through the cashier, depending on the salary payment practice adopted in the company.

Non-working parents should provide the social security with the original passbook and the details of the bank branch for transferring money.
