How To Calculate Customs Clearance

How To Calculate Customs Clearance
How To Calculate Customs Clearance

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The amount of customs payments payable when a car is imported from abroad by an individual is calculated based on the rate set by the Federal Customs Service, the value of the vehicle and its age.

How to calculate customs clearance
How to calculate customs clearance


Step 1

For an imported vehicle under 3 years old, customs duties are calculated by multiplying the flat rate by the engine size. Please note that there are different rates for cars of different prices. For cars worth up to 325,000 rubles, the customs duty is 54% of the price, for cars priced from 325,000 to 650,000 rubles, the flat rate is 3.5 euros for each cubic centimeter of engine displacement. Cars from 650,000 to 1,625,000 rubles have a coefficient of 5, 5, from 1,625,000 to 3,250,000 - 7, 5, from 3,250,000 to 6,500,000 - 15. Cars whose price is higher than 6,500,000 rubles are subject to a duty at a flat rate of 20 euros per cubic centimeter of engine displacement. In this case, the amount of payment must be at least 48% of the value of the imported vehicle. To calculate the amount of customs payments, multiply the required coefficient by the engine volume, calculate 48% of the cost of the car. Compare the two and choose the largest one.

Step 2

For cars aged from 3 to 5 years, the customs duty rates are set to the linkage of the engine displacement. With engine displacement up to 1,000 cm3, the rate is 1.5 euros, from 1 001 to 1 500 - 1, 7, from 1 501 to 1 800 - 2, 5, from 1 801 to 2 300 - 2, 7, from 2 301 up to 3,000 - 3. For cars with an engine capacity of more than 3,001 cm3, the tariff is 3, 6 euros. To calculate the amount of customs duty, multiply the engine displacement by the appropriate factor. Convert the received amount into rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Step 3

The amount of customs duty for cars over 5 years old is also calculated based on the engine size. The rates in euros are as follows: for a volume of up to 1,000 cm3 - 3, from 1 001 to 1 500 - 3, 2, from 1 501 to 1800 - 3, 5, from 1 801 to 2 300 - 4, 8, from 2 301 to 3,000 - 5, over 3,001 - 5, 7. Multiply the engine displacement by the set factor, convert the amount into rubles.

Step 4

If you have no desire to calculate the amount of the duty yourself, use the calculator posted on the website of the Federal Customs Service.
