Many women are good at sewing, but not all of them are able to open their own sewing production, or at least start taking orders at home. In order to open a clothing production, you need not only to understand the intricacies of the sewing business, but also to be a good leader and have the abilities of a designer. Where do you start?

Step 1
Explore the local clothing market, ask if you have worthy competitors.
Step 2
Register with the local tax authorities an individual entity or LLC. Get all the necessary documentation (PSRN, INN, extract from the USRIP / USRLE, statistics codes), register the seal in the MCI and open a bank account.
Step 3
Find a room that is spacious, well lit, and well ventilated. In addition to the sewing workshop itself, it must have compartments for a warehouse of consumables, a warehouse for finished products, an office for the head and a chief accountant. Rent or buy out a room that is suitable in all respects. Invite representatives of the fire service, sanitary and epidemiological supervision and the environmental commission to obtain positive conclusions about its condition.
Step 4
Draw up a competent business plan for the future enterprise or involve specialists in its preparation. The business plan must necessarily indicate the work schedule of the enterprise and stipulate all the working conditions of the personnel.
Step 5
Purchase all the necessary equipment according to the technologies by which you are going to produce clothes, and taking into account the specialization of your enterprise (children's, women's clothing; shirts, blouses, trousers, etc.). Organize the room so that during the work there are no hiccups and downtime.
Step 6
Before hiring key workers, contact the designers or design your own clothes. Purchase fabrics and accessories from trusted suppliers. Do not skimp and buy cheap fabrics if you do not want your goods to be late in the warehouse.
Step 7
Decide how you will advertise your products or, to begin with, conclude several contracts with stores and markets at dumping prices, submitting samples of the goods that you plan to release.
Step 8
Hire core staff. When interviewing, be sure to ask for demonstration of cutting and sewing skills. Hire and "your" designers so that production does not stand still and does not follow the lead of consumer goods.