How To Open A Private Enterprise

How To Open A Private Enterprise
How To Open A Private Enterprise

Table of contents:


An individual entrepreneur without forming a legal entity is one of the most profitable forms of ownership for small business owners. Almost everyone can register and start their own business today with minimal costs and in the shortest possible time.

How to open a private enterprise
How to open a private enterprise

It is necessary

  • - passport
  • - reference book OKVED
  • - money


Step 1

To open a private enterprise (IP), you can contact a law firm that will draw up the entire package of documents for you in just a couple of days. However, in this case, you inevitably overpay. Therefore, self-filing is the best option.

After you have decided on your future activity, you need to choose its name in any OKVED (All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities) reference book. You can select several OKVED codes at once if you plan to conduct different areas of business.

Contact the nearest tax office and get a sample application there. This application must be completed and certified by a notary.

Make a copy of your passport. Pay the state fee for the registration procedure. As a result, your package of documents will include a certified statement, a receipt for payment of the fee, and a copy of your passport.

Step 2

Submit the package of documents to the tax office. In return, you will be given a receipt for the acceptance of documents. Your package must be reviewed within 5 business days. After this period, you will be given a TIN certificate, a certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual fund. In addition, you will receive a certificate of statistics codes.

At this stage, you need to choose the form of taxation. Depending on the scope and type of planned activity, you can choose one of three options: the traditional taxation system, the simplified taxation system (STS) or the unified imputed income tax (UTII).

Step 3

After receiving all registration documents, you must make a seal, on which the name of the individual entrepreneur and his TIN must be indicated. Only then can you begin to officially conduct your business.

In addition, you can now open a checking account in any of the banks.

Consult the tax inspectorate about the deadlines for submitting reports to all budgetary and extra-budgetary funds.
