Why Minimalism Will Never Be Popular In Russia

Why Minimalism Will Never  Be Popular In  Russia
Why Minimalism Will Never Be Popular In Russia

The difficult post-war, stagnant and perestroika years in our country forced our parents to keep a huge amount of unnecessary items. Now we have all of this inherited, along with the current market economy and overcrowded stores. It's time to think about how to live among the endless dusty shelves and mezzanines.

Typical sleeping area of Russia
Typical sleeping area of Russia

Let's forget for a second that Russia has its own, special path, and see what is going on with its neighbors. The Japanese, for example, are obsessed with seiriceitone - this is such a fashionable name for order in the house. Americans make great shows about converting cluttered houses into cozy homes. It seems that people around the world already understand that living in a warehouse is wrong. Maybe we should change our life?

Why do we keep cluttering our homes?

We buy more and more
We buy more and more
  • Because we can afford it. We have a job, we have a salary, the opinion of our parents is no longer a decree for us. Why not indulge in some shopping? And we buy another useless souvenirs, the same type of disposable T-shirts, cute notebooks, funny mugs and slippers with Darth Vader. One thing is upsetting: it is difficult to navigate in this abundance, and you will have to do the cleaning anyway, sooner or later.
  • Because we are lazy and disorganized. We always have no time, because we would rather flip through the feed on the Internet than think about how to make life more convenient. As a result, marketers think for us, and we again buy useless single-task gadgets for the kitchen and cleaning. We are too lazy to put our things in order, so we'd rather buy a new one than fix an old one.
  • Because being an introvert and a sociopath is fashionable. Ask a neighbor for a tool? No, no! It is better to buy, and it does not matter that the device will then be lying around idle in the closet. Lend your item to a friend? No way, suddenly break or lose. We will not establish social ties, we will buy and store.
  • Because we have such a culture. You can't do without a Christmas tree for the New Year, which means you need to store decorations for it somewhere. In the summer, you need to make supplies for the winter - hello to cans, lids, seamers and other attributes of home canning. We are given souvenirs, and we keep them, even if we don't like them. We also store countless sets and crystals, even if we do not hold feasts and feasts at home.
  • Because we are insecure. Shopping gives us pleasure, the illusion of control and power. We have money, we can make our little world a better place if we buy this, this, and this. With a watch of a famous brand, we can become as famous (no). Fashionable things add value to us (no). Organizers for home and business keep us organized (again not). We hope that things will solve our problems, as the advertisement promises, but again we fall into the trap and multiply the number of things.
Shopping gives the illusion of power and control
Shopping gives the illusion of power and control

In Russia, minimalism will never become fashionable, because people in our country are like lost children. They need love, acceptance, understanding, security and confidence. They expect things to make them happy, even though the world doesn't work that way. Our kids need to grow up to realize their own importance and stop hiding behind wallets and building fortresses out of junk. But that will never happen.
