A credit card is a very useful financial tool. It is not necessary to run to friends in order to borrow money to paycheck, you do not need to beg for installments, but you can simply pay for the service with a credit card or withdraw cash from it. Russian Standard Bank CJSC was one of the first to send credit cards to its bona fide customers; now they can also be issued at the bank's branches. At the same time, it is very easy to activate the card.

It is necessary
- - map;
- - passport;
- - access codes.
Step 1
To do this, you need to call the bank's information center at 8 800 200 1 201. Instead of beeps, you will hear an offer to use the automated system. In order to activate a credit card in automatic mode, you need to call from the phone number that you specified in the application form, know the five-digit digital access code to information, and also have the card at hand. To work with an automated system, you need to switch the phone to tone mode. If it is not installed on the phone by default, then you need to press the asterisk or hash.
Step 2
A specialist from the call center will also help you activate the card by phone. He will ask you to give your credit card number, introduce yourself and give the access code, as in the previous case. If you do not remember the digital code, the operator will give you the opportunity to name the word that you also indicated. In addition, he can ask you additional questions about personal data.
Step 3
Listen carefully to a bank specialist or an automated system, they will explain the conditions for using a credit card. If you have any questions about using the card, be sure to ask them.
Step 4
After activating the card, you will need to receive a pin code, for this you need to listen to the numbers that will be dictated by the automated system.